The IntegratE Project
Integrating FP & PHC Services Expansion
in CPs and PPMVs
About Us
The IntegratE project is a proof-of-concept that community pharmacists (CPs) and Patent and proprietary medicine vendors (PPMVs) can provide a wider range of Family planning and Primary Health care services than they are currently authorized to provide.
Our Core Value
under the umbrella of SFH these are some of the core values that IntegratE project operates by
Our Work Streams
We deploy these work streams in integrating FP & PHC services expansion in CPs and PPMVs,
the first point of call for the lowest wealth quintiles
Creating an enabling supportive operating environment for CPs and PPMVs to provide family planning services
Strengthening the quality of service delivery by CPs and PPMVs
Implementing Research Agenda to inform policy and programs

Numbers Speak
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